Compost-Enriched Soil vs. Topsoil for Your Lawn and Garden

compost-enriched soil

When installing sod, seeding a new lawn, or creating a new bed, many people’s first thought is to bring in topsoil. However, plain topsoil might lack several key components necessary for building a healthy root system for your lawn and plants. Compost-enriched soil, on the other hand, provides these essential nutrients and organic matter, making […]

How to Winterize Your Grass for a Healthy Lawn

how to winterize your grass

Discover how to winterize your grass with these three essential steps. Learn about choosing the right fertilizer, applying pre-emergent herbicide, and top dressing with compost for a healthy lawn.

Proper Mulch Application for Your Garden Beds

Proper Mulch Application

Learn the best times and methods for applying mulch to your garden beds. Discover how to prepare your beds, choose the right mulch, and apply it correctly to enhance soil health and suppress weeds.

How to plant a new tree and avoid transplant shock


Planting a new tree is more than just digging a hole. Proper preparation can prevent transplant shock and ensure your tree thrives. Learn how to correctly size the hole, prepare the soil with compost and starter fertilizer, and address root-bound issues. Follow these steps to stabilize your tree with stakes, keep the soil properly moist, and apply mulch effectively. With these tips, your new tree will have the best chance to grow strong and healthy.

Spring Planting

Spring time is upon us, the freezes are gone, and the temperatures are warming up so you are preparing for your spring garden. Houston is in the USDA Zone 9, so March is the time to plant your lettuce, onions, spinach, broccoli, peas, beets, and carrots. If you are planning a new garden you will […]

Spring Fertilization

By the end of February, our temperatures will start to warm up providing the perfect time to fertilize your lawn to get it off to a healthy start for the season. All fertilizers will have an NPK which is Nitrogen, Phosphorous, and Potassium. Nitrogen is essential for plant growth and to make your grass greener. […]